Analyzing Bangladesh's National Elections and Fulfillment of Expectations: A Look Across Economy, Education, Foreign Relations, and Security (January 7, 2024)

Image Source: The Daily Star

With the dust settling after Bangladesh's recent national elections on January 7, 2024, the question on everyone's mind is: have people's expectations been met? Analyzing this question demands a multifaceted approach, examining the progress and challenges across vital sectors like the economy, education, foreign relations, and security services. This analysis aims to shed light on how the recent elections reflect the fulfillment of public aspirations in these key areas.


Bangladesh's economic trajectory under the incumbent government has been remarkable. GDP growth rates consistently exceeding 7% for over a decade, coupled with rising per capita income and poverty reduction, paint a picture of remarkable progress. The garment industry, the backbone of the economy, has thrived, creating millions of jobs. However, challenges remain. Income inequality persists, with rural areas struggling to catch up with urban prosperity. Infrastructure development, crucial for sustained growth, faces bottlenecks. While the recent elections might signal policy continuity, the onus lies on the new government to address these inequalities and spur inclusive growth.


The education sector has witnessed significant expansion in terms of access and infrastructure. Literacy rates have soared, and enrollment in primary and secondary education has risen drastically. Yet, quality remains a concern. Public schools grapple with resource shortages and teacher quality issues. Higher education faces challenges in catering to burgeoning demand and ensuring employability of graduates. The new government must prioritize educational quality and equip young people with the skills needed for a rapidly evolving economy.

Foreign Relations:

Bangladesh has navigated a complex geopolitical landscape with deftness, maintaining close ties with both India and China, while forging relationships with other regional and global powers. Trade ties have flourished, and foreign direct investments have increased. However, challenges remain in terms of ensuring strategic autonomy and managing water resource disputes with India. The new government will need to continue balancing diverse interests while securing strategic advantages for Bangladesh in the global arena.

Security Services:

Internal security has improved significantly, with incidents of terrorism and political violence declining. The armed forces have modernized and diversified their capabilities. However, human rights concerns linger, with allegations of extrajudicial killings and suppression of dissent. The new government needs to ensure that security measures are implemented within the framework of the law and do not infringe upon citizens' fundamental rights.

Beyond the Sectors:

While analyzing individual sectors provides valuable insights, understanding the broader context is crucial. The recent elections, boycotted by the main opposition party due to allegations of political repression, raise concerns about democratic backsliding. The new government must address these concerns and commit to upholding democratic principles to ensure long-term stability and public trust.

Furthermore, issues like climate change, environmental degradation, and urban mobility pose existential threats to Bangladesh's future. The new government needs to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to address these challenges and ensure the country's sustainable development.


Bangladesh's national elections have generated mixed responses. While the economic growth and development are undeniable, concerns regarding inclusivity, education quality, democratic space, and human rights persist. The fulfillment of public expectations depends on the new government's ability to address these challenges while navigating a complex domestic and international landscape. Only time will tell whether the recent elections have truly paved the way for a brighter future for Bangladesh.

The Body's Energy Flow: A Deep Dive into Acupressure

Acupressure, the ancient art of healing through touch, has traversed millennia, whispering secrets of the body's hidden pathways. This traditional Chinese medicine therapy, rooted in the concept of vital energy (Qi) flowing through "meridians," has captivated minds and soothed ailments for centuries. Today, it stands as a testament to the profound wisdom embedded within our own bodies, waiting to be unlocked.

The Origins of Acupressure

The seeds of acupressure were sown in the fertile ground of ancient China centuries ago. Archaeological evidence suggests its presence as early as 4000 B.C., etched onto oracle bones bearing cryptic symbols hinting at meridian systems. The "Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine," a revered medical text from around 2700 B.C., further solidified its foundation, detailing the intricate network of meridians and their corresponding acupoints.

Over time, acupressure blossomed into a sophisticated system, integrated with other TCM modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine. It offered a readily accessible tool for self-healing, empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being through simple fingertip presses.

The Symphony of Qi: Understanding the Meridian System

Acupressure rests on the fundamental belief in Qi, the vital energy that animates our bodies and governs our health. This unseen force flows through a network of invisible channels called meridians, likened to rivers carrying life-giving nutrients. Just like a dammed river can cause imbalances, blockages in the meridians are thought to disrupt Qi flow, leading to pain, illness, and disharmony.

Acupressure aims to rectify these imbalances by stimulating specific acupoints – junctions where Qi gathers and interacts with the underlying tissues. Applying pressure to these points is believed to unblock stagnant Qi, promote its smooth circulation, and restore the body's natural balance.

A Bridge Between Science and Tradition

While the concept of Qi may seem esoteric to Western minds, modern science is beginning to shed light on the potential mechanisms behind acupressure's therapeutic effects. Studies suggest that stimulating acupoints triggers the release of pain-relieving endorphins, modulates the nervous system's activity, and improves blood circulation.

Furthermore, research indicates that acupoints possess unique bioelectrical properties, possibly serving as gateways to deeper physiological processes. These emerging scientific insights, though still evolving, are building bridges between ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding, paving the way for a more comprehensive appreciation of acupressure's potential.

A Therapeutic Tapestry: Conditions Acupressure Can Address

The scope of acupressure's therapeutic reach is as diverse as the human body itself. From soothing common ailments like headaches and nausea to alleviating chronic pain and managing stress, its applications extend far and wide.

Practicing Acupressure at Home

The beauty of acupressure lies in its accessibility. Unlike acupuncture, which requires professional training, acupressure can be easily learned and practiced by anyone, anywhere. Numerous resources, including books, online tutorials, and even phone apps, provide detailed instructions on locating key acupoints and applying the appropriate pressure.

Here are some basic tips for getting started with acupressure at home:


Beyond the Band-Aid: Deeper Benefits of Acupressure

While acupressure excels at addressing specific ailments, its benefits extend far beyond mere symptom relief. By restoring balance to the body's energy flow, it can positively impact various aspects of well-being.

Safety First: Important Considerations

Although generally safe for most individuals, it's crucial to practice acupressure with caution and awareness. Here are some key considerations:

Integrating Acupressure into Your Routine

Weaving acupressure into your daily life can be an enriching and empowering experience. Here are some ways to incorporate it into your routine:

Unveiling the Power Within: Embrace the Journey of Acupressure

Acupressure is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. It empowers you to tap into the innate wisdom within your body, restore balance to your energy flow, and unlock a world of well-being beyond just symptom relief. So, take a deep breath, press your finger to that gentle point of power, and embark on your personal acupressure adventure. Your body will thank you for it.

Remember, acupressure is a vast and intricate practice. This article provides a comprehensive overview, but further exploration through reliable resources and professional guidance is encouraged for a deeper understanding and personalized application. As you delve deeper into this ancient art, you might discover not just relief from ailments but a connection to yourself, your energy, and a profound sense of holistic well-being.

Corporate Politics: backstabbing, power plays, and whispered gossip in sterile boardrooms?

Corporate politics – the phrase conjures up images of backstabbing, power plays, and whispered gossip in sterile boardrooms. While these elements might exist, the reality of corporate politics is far more nuanced and intricate. It's a complex ecosystem where power, influence, and relationships dance a delicate tango, shaping the decisions that drive an organization.

Understanding the Landscape:

Before diving into the tactics, it's crucial to understand the terrain. Corporate politics are fueled by several key factors:

Navigating the Maze:

So, how does one navigate this complex labyrinth? Here are some key strategies:

The Ethical Dilemma:

Navigating corporate politics can be a double-edged sword. While understanding the dynamics can be advantageous, it's important to draw a line between strategic maneuvering and unethical behavior. Manipulation, deception, and backstabbing not only damage your reputation but also erode trust and hinder organizational success.

The Power of Positive Politics:

Corporate politics are not inherently negative. When used ethically, they can be a powerful tool for driving positive change. By understanding the dynamics and building strong relationships, individuals can advocate for their ideas, influence decisions, and contribute to a more collaborative and productive work environment.

Example: Championing a New Initiative

Imagine you have a brilliant idea for a new product line, but it requires significant investment and cross-departmental collaboration. How can you navigate the political landscape to gain support and make it a reality?


By embracing these principles, you can navigate the labyrinth of corporate politics with confidence, contribute meaningfully to your organization, and pave the way for a successful career.

Need short tips to win? Click here

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Understanding HR Certification Exams

Are you gearing up for an HR certification exam? Whether it’s the aPHR, PHR, SPHR, PHRca, or GPHR, these exams serve as pivotal milestones in an HR professional’s career. Here’s everything you need to know about these certifications and how to ace them.

Overview of HR Certification Exams

HR certification exams are conducted at various computer-based testing locations globally. For residents of the United States and Canada, online exam delivery is also available for specific certifications. These exams are administered via computer and are designed to assess not just factual knowledge but the application of HR principles in real-world scenarios.

Preparing for the Exam: Understanding the Objective

The Human Resource Certification Preparation Program is a valuable resource aimed at aiding individuals in preparing for the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) exam. However, it's essential to keep certain factors in mind when using these materials:

No 'Teaching to the Test' Approach: While the program covers major HR topics comprehensively, it doesn't guarantee coverage of all exam content in a single course. The HRCI exam is multifaceted, and no resource can assure complete coverage of its content.

Practical Experience is Key: Practical experience in HR is invaluable. The exam assesses generalist knowledge, and success relies on the ability to apply HR concepts to real-world scenarios. Practical exposure enhances understanding and application.

Adaptation to Change: The HR field is dynamic, and so is the certification exam. The program endeavors to cover significant HR topics, but exam content evolves. There might be exam topics not addressed in the program, and conversely, not all program content might be included in the exam.

SPHRi Exam Overview:

Content: This exam comprises 130 multiple-choice questions sourced from four primary functional areas, each carrying its weightage:

PHRi Exam Overview:

Content: Comprising 170 multiple-choice questions, the PHRi exam delves into six functional areas, each assigned a specific weight:

SPHR Exam Overview:

These weightings indicate the percentage of questions allocated to each functional area, reflecting the emphasis placed on different HR competencies within the SPHR® Exam. Candidates need to comprehend and excel in these areas to succeed in the certification assessment.

Types of Exam Items

The exam items are grouped into three cognitive types:

Question Formats

The exam comprises various question formats:

Each format is accompanied by sample questions to familiarize candidates with the structure and expectations.

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify HR certification exams and provide a clearer understanding of what to expect. Armed with insights into question formats and examples, you can approach these exams with confidence and readiness.

Happy studying and good luck on your HR certification journey!


Exam Preparation Resources

HRCI Certification Preparation Materials for aPHR, PHR, SPHR, aPHRi, PHRi, and SPHRi Aligned with HRCI's Guidelines

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HBR Summary: 4 Types of Employee Complaints — and How to Respond

"The article explores the topic of workplace complaining and its effects on organizational communication. Complaints are a common form of expression, but they can have both positive and negative impacts. By understanding the different types of complaints and managing them appropriately, managers can create a positive work environment, improve communication, and mitigate the risks and costs associated with complaining." 

Productive complaining, also known as "voice," involves raising concerns to improve a situation. It offers valuable feedback that can lead to positive changes in processes, products, and services.

Venting, on the other hand, is an emotional form of complaining aimed at releasing stress or seeking support. While it provides temporary relief, it puts a burden on the listener and can contribute to a negative emotional culture.

Chronic complaining is characterized by a negative mindset and a tendency to complain about everything. While chronic complainers may highlight potential issues, their constant complaints can drain energy and hinder problem-solving efforts.

Malicious complaining is a destructive form of complaining used to undermine others and gain personal advantage. It creates a toxic work environment, lowers team morale, and negatively impacts productivity.

As a manager, it is important to handle complaints effectively in following ways:

Showing interest and curiosity when employees express their concerns can foster trust and psychological safety.

Identifying the intention behind the complaint helps determine if it is meant to address a problem or cause harm.

Encouraging constructive complaints by providing opportunities for feedback and solution-oriented discussions promotes positive problem-solving.

Addressing destructive complaints is crucial to maintain a healthy work environment.

Mediation or constructive conversations can help address relationships or negative mindsets that contribute to chronic or malicious complaining. Chronic complainers may need support to change their mindset or, if necessary, be separated from the team to prevent further negative impacts.

Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of listening to employee complaints, fostering trust, and taking appropriate actions to address concerns. Effective management of complaints can lead to a positive work culture, increased engagement, and improved organizational performance.

This is a summary of the article by Alyson Meister and Nele Dael in HBR on May 03, 2023

HBR Summary: More Than 50% of Managers Feel Burned Out

"The article discusses the issue of burnout among managers, highlighting that more than half of managers (53%) report feeling burned out at work, which is slightly higher than employees in general. The pandemic and its aftermath have placed significant demands on managers, requiring them to lead with empathy while managing increasing workloads and potentially fewer resources. However, they often receive little recognition for their efforts, leading to a struggle for many managers."

To address burnout among managers, it is crucial for leadership and HR to understand and measure its components. Listening to managers can help identify warning signs. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding how managers experience burnout, which includes factors like unsustainable workloads, lack of control, insufficient rewards, lack of support, unfairness, and a mismatch between values and skills.

Managers today face exhaustion due to high workloads and limited resources. They not only have to manage their own tasks but also ensure their team members have what they need to succeed. However, they often receive less coaching, development, and recognition for their people management skills. This situation can make managers feel ineffective in their roles and hinder their career goals.

The article suggests several strategies to mitigate manager burnout. These include:

The article emphasizes the need for organizations to continually listen to managers, act on feedback, and measure progress to create a sustainable work environment where burnout is addressed effectively. By understanding the dimensions of burnout and taking appropriate actions, organizations can support their managers in thriving and creating a culture where everyone's energy is sustained.

This is a summary of the article by DawnKlinghoffer and Katie Kirkpatrick-Husk in HBR on May 18, 2023

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